Monday, April 23, 2012

Starting line

The lighting for this picture stinks but you get the point. Im starting off at probably a 180lbs. its not going to be easy, fear defiantly takes hold of my life so I pray not only to defeat the weight and health issues in my life but also the fear that holds me back time and time again. I am challenging myself to working out at the local fitness studio 3 times a week. and hopefully more and more as I get stronger healthier happier and of course Dodger gets older. as I'm typing I'm freaking out inside, everything in me is fighting not to go to this Zumba class tonight. Im scared i'll look stupid no one will like me i'll be fatter uglier stupider than all the other woman in there. and my husband says those might all happen but so what! Now if only i can continue to talk myself into going, getting out of my car and actually taking the class. I will leave happier i know it. I will leave feeling prettier strong healthier and in a better mood to come home and take care of my family. I'm going to start praying for strength to overcome this irrational and defeating fear and take a stupid dance class.


  1. Love you Laurel! You can do it! You are beautiful!

  2. Laurel!! How amazing you are to do this!! And by that, I mean post this!! This is more than HALF OF THE BATTLE!! Putting it out there makes you stronger, more courageous!! You can TOTALLY DO THIS!! Keep praying, God will give you EVERYTHING YOU NEED to be transformed into a fearless woman of God! The pretty/beautiful part... heck you already got that! *wink, wink* Miss you!
