Thursday, May 24, 2012

5th week

This week I have been to two classes and going to one tonight. I worked out at home on tuesday but it wasn't the same as when I go to a class. I feel run down a little tired. working out and not seeing results is aggravating. I have lost the excitement of getting skinny because I don't think it's possible.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Just because I felt led

Today was a rough day with my diet. I ate things I know I shouldn't. And then Wednesdays are hard because I don't get a real good work out in. A half hour of hula hoop isn't long enough to burn off a donut. But church comes first in our lives and tonight it came before working out. So as I'm sitting here I feel led to blog about tonight's service.

The Samaritan woman.
High noon and Jesus asks her for water.
She asks what are you doing? Why are you talking to me.
(the woman coming mid day would most likely be a lady with a bad reputation)
* a woman could not divorce a man but a man could divorce a woman.
John 4:17-18
She spoke honestly to Jesus.
The time has come when to worship in spirit and in truth.
The spirit is dwelling in us. True people who want to be honest and willing to worship him.
Jesus said to her. I who speak to you is he.
The Lord has a calling on your life. And just as Jesus stayed and talked to a woman most would avoid we need to allow the spirit to use you.
Listen and follow the spirit.

4th week

I didn't start this week how I wanted by skipping Monday night however I went on Tuesday and got a little sweat on. Tonight will be hula hoop fit and i love this class. It works my abs it's fun and I get a work out in before church tonight.
The down side of this week is still not seeing results. I don't feel any better this week. I wanted to see results faster. I have been eating better working out why aren't I changing and why don't I feel happy? I have a lot of work! I guess I didn't realize how my h.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

first week, DONE

WOW it feels like so long ago i started this blog about being so scared to go work out. WEll week one is over and i feel UHHmazing. I dont know what i would have done without TANTRUM FITNESS. it has changed my life. CLaudia has been amazing, i took almost all her classes this week, and she has motivated me to continue to come in day after day! I dont know how much weight i have lost, (i need to buy a scale)but i know i feel better, i even think i look a little better!!! im excited to continue on this path!!

Monday, April 23, 2012

after my first workout

I did it! i went inside and took the Zumba class. It was awesome. the sweat dripped off. I hadnt worked out in so long so this kicked my butt. Thank you for those who prayed for me. it took everything in me to get out of my car. Then i got a text from my husband saying you can do it i love you! those words gave me the courage i needed to go inside and face my irrational fear of other people. everyone was friendly no one said i was ugly or fat like i strangely feared in my head. They all were there to get fit just like me. I enjoyed this club so much that i went home to nurse Dodger and then went back an hour later for the yoga class. it was so nice to relax and stretch after that high cardio workout i had the hour before. when i got home i was happier and felt healthier. On any other night i would have dug into the mac n cheese and drank a pop. but tonight i ate half an avocado tomatoe and salad mix. with a small bowl of man n cheese. being poor isnt the best when all you have to eat is pasta in the house. so ill try to work on eating what we have but in small portions. I also will be keeping a food journal. all in all it was a great first day and I am truly blessed that my husband is squeeezing this into our already small budget.

Starting line

The lighting for this picture stinks but you get the point. Im starting off at probably a 180lbs. its not going to be easy, fear defiantly takes hold of my life so I pray not only to defeat the weight and health issues in my life but also the fear that holds me back time and time again. I am challenging myself to working out at the local fitness studio 3 times a week. and hopefully more and more as I get stronger healthier happier and of course Dodger gets older. as I'm typing I'm freaking out inside, everything in me is fighting not to go to this Zumba class tonight. Im scared i'll look stupid no one will like me i'll be fatter uglier stupider than all the other woman in there. and my husband says those might all happen but so what! Now if only i can continue to talk myself into going, getting out of my car and actually taking the class. I will leave happier i know it. I will leave feeling prettier strong healthier and in a better mood to come home and take care of my family. I'm going to start praying for strength to overcome this irrational and defeating fear and take a stupid dance class.